20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU info@microtiauk.org 07494050667

Tag: Microtia

MED-EL Meet Up

For people using or considering a cochlear implant, middle ear implant, or bone conduction implant. Come along to see ‘what’s new’, receive tips and advice about getting the most out of your processor. Choosing the right implant is… Read More

A chance to meet other families

Did you know we have amazing opportunities for you to get together with other families?! Microtia UK have their annual London family fun day coming up soon but we also have two smaller mingles in Belfast involving ice-skating… Read More

Microtia UK mentioned on Paul O’Grady’s show

Dog lover Paul O’Grady (pictured above) has spent years filming the highs and lows of life at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, but for his moving new series, Paul O’Grady’s Little Heroes, he’s turning his attention to the fantastic… Read More

The AGILIS mobile article