20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU info@microtiauk.org 07494050667

Where our funding goes

Microtia UK is funded entirely by voluntary contributions. Every donation is important to us and we are grateful for each contribution we receive. Your generosity helps us to support the following areas in relation to microtia:

  1. Developing research in the field of microtia

    (Examples include: stem cell research, regenerative medicine, psychological, spatial hearing, the impact of BAHAs, the impact of living with microtia.)

  2. Community Development

    (Examples include: venue hire for events, refreshments, travel, entertainment at events for children.)

  3. Education and Publications

    (Examples include: developing leaflets for medical professionals and families, the New Parents Guide, Reconstruction leaflet, publishing a Transition to Education booklet, developing the website.)

If you have a preference to the area you would like like your contribution to go to, please let us know by emailing info@microtiauk.org