20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU info@microtiauk.org 07494050667

Nick’s Story

Hi guys. Thank you for accepting me into the group. I was born with Microtia in 1983 and in the last 3 days have only just discovered that what I have is called Microtia. I saw an episode of Embarrassing Bodies and thats when it clicked.

I had an operation when I was four to bring my ear forward to enable me to wear glasses and when I was at the end of my first year in secondary school I had another operation to see if it was possible to open my ear canal. This was not possible at the time. I have a fully functioning and developed right ear and still have my little ear on the left. It makes a great talking point when I throw in the good ole lawn mower joke, shocking but always a giggle seeing peoples faces…. lol….

I am a full time singer songwriter and music has become my life. My uncle played drums for Suzi Quatro in the 70’s and both my parents play guitar and sing. I have found that my little ear has given me a great advantage, as I am able to hear my own voice, which helps massively with pitch. Through music I express every emotion it is a great healer also.

I have produced and written songs for many artists in a recording studio I built but I am now in a position where I am working on my first official debut album and to release and promote my self as a singer songwriter.

Having a little ear has never distracted me from who I am, it is part of me and adds to my story. I have always had long hair but never really used it to cover my ear, I was a hippy…. lol…. I now have short hair as a musical life image change and it’s so much easier to wash…

Discovering that I have Microtia has been AMAZING for me, as I can finally give people a clever word to describe my uniqueness…. but not before the lawn mower story…. lol… Knowing this, has actually given me more sense of belonging…. It is AWESOME !!!….

My official Facebook is http://www.facebook.com/nickjohnwilson

I am looking forward to learning more about the technology advancements and I am looking forward to hopefully meeting more people with Microtia…..

So…. Thank you again and a big HELLO to everyone x