20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU info@microtiauk.org 07494050667

Donate for FREE through AmazonSmile

You can support Microtia UK every time you shop by using Amazon Smile. Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase price to us!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prizes, same service.

So please support Microtia UK by shopping via the link on the photo and share this great news with your friends and family. Happy shopping!

GOSH to open state-of-the-art centre for children with hearing and sight loss

The centre will serve the needs of 8,000 patients each year and cost £25 million to build.

Today (23rd July), Great Ormond Street Hospital announces plans for the Sight and Sound Centre, supported by Premier Inn and Restaurants. The centre, due to open in 2020, will be the first dedicated medical facility for children with sight and hearing loss in the UK.

Currently, patients with conditions that affect their ability to see and hear represent the largest outpatient group at the hospital, with more than 8,000 patients and 25,000 patient visits each year. The Sight and Sound Centre, located just a short walk from the main hospital site, will be specially designed with these patients in mind with the cost of the building being met through charitable donations.

The new centre will include:

  • Specialist facilities for outpatients being seen by Audiology, Cochlear Implant, Ophthalmology, Ear Nose and Throat and Speech and Language Therapy teams.
  • State-of-the-art soundproofed booths for hearing tests, an eye imaging suite, a dispensing opticians and other testing facilities.
  • A garden with plants designed with the senses in mind, for children to see, touch, and smell.
  • Specially commissioned artwork throughout the building that incorporates bespoke sensory elements thanks to the hospital’s in-house arts programme GOSH Arts.

Fundraising towards the £25 million project has already begun, with an incredible £10 million pledge from Premier Inn and Restaurants, building on their team members’, customers’ and suppliers’ remarkable feat of raising £7.5 million for the hospital’s new Premier Inn Clinical Building, which officially opened earlier this year.

Children with sight and hearing loss and their families were involved in the design briefing of this specialist facility, helping to create a welcoming environment that is fully accessible and easy to navigate. Construction is due to start in the autumn of 2018 and will take 18 months, led by healthcare construction specialists Kier and architects Sonnemann Toon, who have a successful track record in converting listed buildings into unique clinical spaces.

The hospital’s Chief Executive, Dr Peter Steer, said: “More than 8,000 children and young people with sight and hearing conditions come to the hospital each year and our current facilities do not cater for their needs. The Sight and Sound Centre will improve care by bringing clinicians supporting these children together in one place and vastly improve the patient experience by creating an environment tailormade to these patients’ needs.”

Tim Johnson, Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, added: “We’re absolutely delighted to be able to support this very important project providing fantastic new facilities for children who experience sight and hearing loss. We’re hugely grateful to Premier Inn and Restaurants for their incredible pledge of £10 million. We hope that pledge will be matched by the generosity of other supporters and we are optimistic about reaching the £25 million target by 2020.”

Alison Brittain, Chief Executive Officer of Whitbread (the owners of Premier Inn and Restaurants), said: “We’re delighted to be supporting this groundbreaking and unique new project at Great Ormond Street Hospital. We have been proud supporters of this very special hospital since 2012 and have seen first-hand the extraordinary difference being made to the lives of the young children and families receiving treatment there. We’re excited to continue our story with Great Ormond Street Hospital by committing our support to the new Sight and Sound Centre.”

For more information on the Great Ormond Street Hospital Sight and Sound Centre, please visit gosh.org.

Microtia UK mentioned on Paul O’Grady’s show

Dog lover Paul O’Grady (pictured above) has spent years filming the highs and lows of life at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, but for his moving new series, Paul O’Grady’s Little Heroes, he’s turning his attention to the fantastic work of Great Ormond Street Hospital in central London, proving he’s a natural with both animals and children.

Volunteering his services, he mucks in where needed – including serving up the hospital dinners – and meets some of the brave and inspirational young patients, who this week include 13-year-old Mackenzie, who is at the hospital to have ear reconstruction surgery.

Paul gets a glimpse of a pioneering surgery after he meets 13-year-old Mackenzie who is at the hospital to have his ear reconstructed after being born with Microtia. The condition means those affected are born with a small ear that doesn’t develop properly. Mackenzie talks to Paul about being bullied because of his ear and Paul is on hand to give his mum a cuddle as he gets wheeled off to surgery.

Mackenzie was born with Microtia (Greek for “little ear”), a rare condition resulting in underdeveloped ears and associated hearing loss. According to Microtia UK, it affects 1 in 6,000 babies.

Mackenzie’s surgeon explains how he is going to sculpt and create a new ear out of part of Mackenzie’s rib.

Mackenzie tells Paul about being bullied because of his ear and Paul is on hand to give Mackenzie’s mum Louise a cuddle as her son gets wheeled off to surgery.

Louise says: “I came out of theatre crying and Paul O’Grady was there and gave me the most massive cuddle.”

Paul watched the amazing surgery take place and Louise says: “I couldn’t stop staring at Mackenzie’s new ear – all those years of imagining what it would look like had come to reality.”

MacKenzie will need a further operation to improve the look of his new ear. Mum Louise revealed the happy news that the bullying has now stopped, adding “he is like a different person now”.

To watch this episode tune in to ITV on Wednesday 8th August at 8pm

Read more at https://www.whatsontv.co.uk/events/paul-ogradys-little-heroes-itv-8-aug/#iPmSeoStp86KLv9u.99

Thank You to AGILIS Mobile

Thanks to AGILIS Mobile we can now announce the launch of NEW children’s fundraising t-shirts!

AGILIS Mobile have kindly agreed to be our new sponsors for our adult fundraising vests. The money donated has enabled us to also give children the opportunity to fundraise with their family and friends whilst wearing a matching fundraising t-shirt.

If you are interested in fundraising for Microtia UK then please email tina@microtiauk.org

Thank you so much – from the Microtia UK team

Microtia UK Silent Auction

Microtia UK are holding a Silent Auction

The auction will begin this evening (8th June) – with bids starting as low as £1!

Go to the link and take a look at what amazing prizes are on offer – from family tickets to The Curious Arts Festival, signed items from Lewis Hamilton, Manchester United & Tottenham Hotspurs to luxury gym memberships, Experience Days gift voucher, gin tours…. and much more!!

Please share amongst your friends, family and work colleagues. All money raised goes to Microtia UK.

We need your support by sharing this


New book now available

Microtia, Sophie’s Little Adventure by Dawn Calvert

This very helpful and informative book for those who have children with Microtia, or have the condition themselves.

Dawn says, “Sophie was born with two small ears and we all found ourselves struggling to understand Microtia and how to deal with it. I then realised that although there were bits and pieces here and there on websites, there was not one book that covered it from every aspect…so that was it for me and here I am…if it helps at least one person, I will be delighted and it will make it all worthwhile!”

£8.50 + £1.50 UK postage (international postage available)

Visit: www.facebook.com/abookaboutmicrotia/

Also available on Amazon here

MED-EL USA receives FDA Clearance for ADHEAR, a Revolutionary Non-Surgical Bone Conduction Hearing Solution

Innovative technology offers the first conductive hearing loss option that allows for a comfortable, pressure-free, all-day wearing experience

To read more about this amazing news – click


Good Luck for tomorrow!

Ceredig and Berwyn are running the ABP Newport marathon in Wales. They have raised over £2,100 including Gift Aid which is amazing!! Good luck for tomorrow both of you.

To donate please visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ceredigandberwyn

Welcome to our new website

?New Microtia UK Website Launch?

The Microtia UK team have been working very hard behind the scenes for the last month developing a brand-new charity website! Fully updated and with a whole new look!


We are so excited that for 1 week only we are offering £3 off when you spend £15 or over in our new shop ? Just use the code MICROTIA2018 at the check out.

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed photos, life stories and information on their fundraising events and we have tried to include as many as possible. If anyone has anything further you would like us to consider then please email us at info@microtiauk.org