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You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and ask any questions you may have.


Study Title: Exploring the decisions families make to manage unilateral hearing loss.


What is the purpose of the study?

To understand what decisions parents/guardians make about their child with hearing loss in one ear and why they make them.

Why have I been chosen?

All parents/guardians of children with a moderate or greater hearing loss in one ear have been invited to take part.

What will happen if I agree to take part?

If you agree to take part, you will be contacted by email. The researcher (Saira) will then arrange a date and time with you for the interview. The researcher can visit you at home or you can come to Aston University.

On the day of the interview you will be given time to ask any questions you may have and to decide whether or not you would still like to take part.

The interview will last 40 to 60 minutes. You will not have to answer any questions that you do not want to. We ask that either one or two parents/guardians attend the interview, without their child. Please note that there will be no childcare available if you chose to come to the University for interview.

The interview will be audio recorded. The interviews will be typed and read carefully to find any common themes across all of the interviews. These themes will then be written up in a report. 
Approximately four of the interview participants will then be asked to read the report and check that they are happy with how the information has been reported.

Are there any potential benefits of taking part?

There are no direct benefits from taking part in this study but you may find that having the opportunity to discuss and reflect on your journey with a child with hearing loss in one ear beneficial.

Are there any potential risks in talking part?

Thinking and talking about your decisions may be stressful. However, our researcher is also a clinician in audiology and can provide support. You are also giving up your time and allowing a researcher to meet with you in your home or in a booked room at the university.

Do I have to take part?

No. It is your decision. You would be volunteering to take part and you will be free to withdraw from the project at any time. Whether you chose to participate or not you and your child’s care will not be affected in any way.

Do I get paid for taking part?

There is no payment for taking part in the study.

Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?

Yes. The recorded interviews will be sent (without identifiable information) to the transcription service (a team of professionals who type out what was said in the interview in to a Word document). Your name (including any other identifiable information) and the names of other participants mentioned in the interview will be removed from the Word document so that you cannot be identified by what you have said. The data will be stored securely for six years. This is so that the information that you provide can be used to inform future, relevant research.

What will happen to the results of the research study?

The results will be written in to a report. We aim to publish in an appropriate academic journal. You can also request a copy of the report (see contact details below).

Who has reviewed the study?

All research in the NHS is looked at by an independent group of people, called a Research Ethics Committee to protect your safety, rights, wellbeing and dignity.   This study was given a favorable ethical opinion by the Newcastle and North Tyneside Research Ethics Committee.

What if I have a concern about the study?

If you have any concerns about anything to do with this study, please speak to the research team led by Dr Pryce and they will do their best to answer your questions.  Contact details can be found at the end of this information sheet.

If the research team are unable to address your concerns or you wish to make a complaint about how the study is being conducted you should contact the Aston University Director of Governance, Mr. John Walter, j.g.walter@aston.ac.uk or telephone 0121 204 4869

Where can I find independent information about taking part in research?

You can contact the NHS Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS) at Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS), You can contact the NHS Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS) at Birmingham Childrens Hospital on 0121 333 8403 or email pals@bch.nhs.uk if you would like advice on taking part in research.

Who do I contact for further information?
Chief Investigator: Dr Helen Pryce, Senior Lecturer at Aston University.

Address: Audiology, Life and Health Sciences, 117, Vision Sciences Building, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET.

Email: h.pryce-cazalet@aston.ac.uk

Researcher: Saira Hussain

Address: Audiology Dept, School for Life and Health Sciences, Aston University Birmingham, B47ET.

Email: s.hussain14@aston.ac.uk


This study is being funded by small grants from the British Society of Audiology and Microtia UK.


Thank you for your interest in this study

Saira Hussain

Audiology department

Aston University


Email: s.hussain14@aston.ac.uk

Expression of Interest


If you would like to take part please complete this form and return it via post or email.


Name of parent(s)/guardian(s):

Name of child with hearing loss in one ear:




Contact telephone:

Contact email: